
When Science Fiction and Science Collide

Science Fiction and ScienceScience fiction author Bill Copeland has created an exciting new series called the Cosmology Revolution. Basically, it’s a series depicting how the Big Bang and relativity theories have influenced our view of the universe. In fact, our universe has been greatly influenced by significant historical events as well as by people’s imaginations. A great example of this is the way science fiction has had a profound effect on science and technology.


Often, events described in works of science fiction can inspire real-life scientists to pursue breakthroughs in technology. For example, the idea of achieving long-distance communication by having radio signals bounce off of satellites was included in one of science fiction writer Arthur C. Clark’s works from 1945. You can also draw parallels between the communicators used in the Star Trek series and the smartphones of today.


As technology advances at an ever-increasing pace, science fiction seems to play an increasingly significant role in these advancements. Whether science fiction is used for theoretical design research or exploring new forms of human-computer interaction, its profound influence on real-world science is undeniable. Even the study of human body modification is explored through science fiction. Bill Copeland invites you to delve deeper into this realm with his Cosmology Revolution series.

A Beginner’s Guide to Poetry

Guide to PoetryIf you were asked to describe what poetry is, you might automatically associate it with writing that contains rhyming couplets. While this is often a popular aspect of the art, poetry can be defined in a number of other ways as well. Take the work of Bill Copeland, poet, for example. He describes his poems in the following way: “They take the reader to the doors of dreams hidden between sleeping and waking.”


Bill’s description contains a common theme among poetry, which is that it strives to spark an emotional response in the reader. This response can be achieved in several ways, including through sound, rhythm, and meaning. You can say that poems use a lyrical language to capture experiences and emotions that the writer wants to convey to the reader.


Traditional poems also tend to have a definite form or style, including lines grouped into verses. Additionally, the word choice of poems is often very deliberate so that they can evoke specific emotions in the reader. Musical elements can also play an important role in poems, including the meter and the rhyme scheme. You’re sure to discover many of these stylings and more in the works of Bill Copeland, poet.

The Literary Genre of Science Fiction

Blue MeteoriteLiterature comes in all forms and lengths. From the shortest poem to the longest dramatic epic, it covers an array of genres and sub-genres and sometimes pulls together diverse ones into new types. “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies,” anyone?


We’re not going that far afield here. We are concerned with taking a look at the genre of science fiction, which comes in two varieties that can be categorized as hard and soft.


Soft science fiction deals mainly with themes based on fields such as anthropology, sociology, and psychology. It looks at human behavior and centers the story on that pivot point.


Hard science fiction, which you will find in the novella “Cosmic Swan,” for instance, is based on the principles of disciplines such as geology, physics, chemistry, and astronomy. It is often written by scientists, so it speaks with the ring of truth, parallels real-life research, and sometimes even accurately predicts future scientific developments.


Bill Copeland, the author of “Cosmic Swan,” comes to writing with a solid grounding in science, due to his career at one of the most science-driven organizations in the world — NASA. Thanks to years of being immersed in the importance of facts and figures, his work speaks with the ring of truth. But, and here’s where the art comes in, he crafts the story so it’s thoroughly entertaining and engaging, without any dryness that some hard science fiction is known for. It’s a ripping good yarn that appeals to all readers.

Hard-Hitting Science Fiction Novella by Bill Copeland

Cosmic SwanAn old saying tells us that it’s not possible to please everyone at the same time. Perhaps that’s true, but author Bill Copeland comes pretty close with his science fiction novella “Cosmic Swan.” It’s a joy to describe this book because it is so rich in content and detail combined with the craft of finely wrought storytelling.


A closer look at the story shows how it brings to life a hard-hitting science fiction tale that weaves together many elements that are sure to keep even the most discerning reader happy, no matter what genre they like to explore.


When you read “Cosmic Swan,” you are transported around the world on a tale of adventure. But it’s much more than that. It incorporates hard science, mysterious realms, other life forms, and interstellar visitors.


It’s also a great introduction to science fiction for those who are looking for something that is grounded in hard science. Copeland draws upon his years working at NASA — a place where they know a thing or two about science — to create a story that has a basis in the true workings of scientific principles. Things in this story behave as they would if the events, incidents, and individuals were brought to life.


You don’t find yourself saying, “That’s unbelievable,” as you would with a lesser science fiction novella. You find yourself gripped by the story and saying, “What happens next?”